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Forgot-Password icon Forgot / Reset Password

Beginning August 2022, the Password Security Challenge Questions will be removed from the password recovery tool located at Passwords can still be recovered using a registered email address. If you are unaware of the email address associated with your account, please contact DSC Support Desk.

Beginning July 2022, all user account passwords will expire after 14 months. Passwords can be updated using the password recovery tool located at Expired passwords can be reset either by using a registered email address or by using current password and entering a new one.

Password Policy

  • Your password must have a minimum length of 8 characters.
  • Your password must match 3 of 4 listed below character rules:
    - Upper case letters
    - Lower case letters
    - Numbers
    - Symbols ~!@#$%^*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"<>,.?/&
  • Your password must not contain
    - Your UserID
    - A part of your Display Name (First Name and/or Last Name)
  • Do not use a password used the last 8 times.

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